2023-2024 NBA Schedule Rest Days Analysis
Fanbases! It’s the time to complain about how unfair is the given schedule. See if your rival’s schedule is easier than your team’s.
An NBAstuffer classic since 2007. Analyze NBA 2023-2024 schedule. Sort teams by the number of back-to-backs for both their own and opponents.
2022-2023 NBA Rest Days Stats
NBA rest days stats that can’t be found elsewhere! Team performances are rated under various types of rest days such as 3rd game in 4 days, back-to-backs, 3+ days rest.
2022-2023 NBA Schedule Rest Days Analysis
Fanbases! It’s the time to complain about how unfair is the given schedule. See if your rival’s schedule is easier than your team’s.
An NBAstuffer classic since 2007. Analyze NBA 2022-2023 regular-season schedule. Sort teams by the number of back-to-backs for both their own and opponents.
2021-2022 NBA Rest Days Stats
NBA rest days stats that can’t be found elsewhere! Team performances are rated under various types of rest days such as 3rd game in 4 days, back-to-backs, 3+ days rest.
2021-2022 NBA Schedule Rest Days Analysis
An NBAstuffer classic since 2007. Analyze NBA 2021-2022 regular-season schedule. Sort teams by the number of back-to-backs for both their own and opponents.
2020-2021 NBA Rest Days Stats
NBA rest days stats that can’t be found elsewhere! Team performances are rated under various rest days types such as 3rd game in 4th days, back-to-backs, 3+ days rest.
2020-2021 NBA Schedule Rest Days Analysis
An NBAstuffer classic since 2007. Analyze the first-half NBA 2020-2021 schedule. Sort teams by the number of back-to-backs for both own and opponents.
2019-2020 NBA Rest Days Stats
NBA rest days stats that can’t be found elsewhere! Team performances are rated under various rest days types such as 3rd game in 4th days, back-to-backs, 3+ days rest.
2018-2019 NBA Schedule Rest Days Analysis
For each team, we take team schedules and tag the “game-day”s and “off-day”s. This way, we can analyze the rest days patterns. Let’s code: X as the game-day, and O, as the off-day.
2016-2017 NBA Regular Season Rest Days Stats
Last updated through games completed on April 12, 2017 Click column headers to sort. Reverse the sort order by clicking on it twice. Mouseover column headers for descriptions. The teams involved in today’s slate and their performance under the relevant rest day situation are shown in yellow. 2016-2017 NBA REGULAR SEASON REST DAYS TEAM STATS NBA PLAYER REST DAYS STATS …
2016-2017 NBA Schedule Rest Days Analysis
Click underlined column headers to sort. Reverse the sort order by clicking on it twice. OWN REST DAYS BREAKDOWN TEAM GAMES 4IN5-B2B 3IN4-B2B B2B TOTAL B2B GAMES TOTAL B2B GAMES ON THE ROAD 3IN4 1 2 3+ Atlanta 82 0 10 8 18 12 13 35 12 4 Boston 82 1 9 7 17 10 13 35 13 4 Brooklyn …