Tips For NBA

The NBA is the apex of basketball across the world. As such, the NBA is among the most popular leagues in bookies like Betway. The league has turned many sports personalities into legends since 1946, and it offers punters great opportunities to make cash. However, it’s not easy to turn a profit without a proper strategy.

Here are the top five NBA betting tips to maximize your chances of winning.

Tracking Line Movements
In NBA, the betting lines are often unveiled more than 24 hours ahead of the game, unless there is a major injury on either side delaying the odds-makers. That gives you enough time to observe how the general public reacts to the betting odds before placing a wager on that game.
It’s best to formulate your strategy based on the opening betting odds and looking at the lines that are moving in your favor. That gives you a slightly better edge to a certain pick, but it’s wise to be leery of dramatic changes in any game unless there’s a clear reason behind the shift.

Home Court Advantage
When betting on the NBA, it’s normal for most people to underestimate the importance of the home ground advantage. However, some teams perform much better at home compared to their performance on the road.
Generally, it’s expected that the home advantage has is worth about three to four points. However, it’s advisable to use a team current form as your guide to finding teams that have been shining in their home court in the last few games. Keep in mind that the trends don’t last forever, so learn how to ride them like a wave.

Money Management Systems
With an 82-game schedule, it’s easy to get carried away by the high NBA odds at Betway if you don’t have a good money management system. A good thumb-rule is to avoid betting more than 3% of your bankroll on a single game no matter your level of confidence.
As a gambler, you also need to be careful about placing too many bets within a short time. Go steady and slow to build your bankroll and avoid trying to make a huge kill within a short time unless you’re ready to lose big.

Focusing on Key Statistics
Like any other sport, the NBA has a lot of statistics that can drag down your handicapping efforts. Instead of plowing through every number in a particular matchup, it’s advisable to focus on three stats, including rebounds, turnovers and paint.
Any team that’s performing well in all the three categories shows that it’s well-coached. It also shows that the team is focusing on the bigger picture. As such, high paint and rebound points shows that a team has the ability to dominate the game’s pace. However, low turnovers show that a team can take care of the ball and ultimately have more scoring opportunities.

Wagering on the Fatigue Factor
Always check the NBA schedule for glaring inequities. That doesn’t happen every time, but you might find a team coming off a few days rest. This factor is multiplied if the rival team is fatigued and playing on the road. The odds-makers might factor this on the odds, but it still presents a great betting opportunity.