2015-2016 NBA Regular Season Rest Days Stats

Last updated through games completed on April 13, 2016.

In the table below, raw efficiency numbers are adjusted to account for opponent strength and game location (road/home) in an effort to single out the rest days impact more precisely.

The formula for Adjusted Efficiency Differential (AED) = Expected Efficiency Differential*- Actual Efficiency Differential

“Expected Efficiency Differential” first estimates the pace of game and then the expected OEFF & DEFF according to game venue and opponent strength.

Let’s say, Warriors have won some games by a higher margin than expected. For that reason, they might have negative (-) average of “adjusted efficiency differential” (AED) values under different types of restdays.

Click column headers to sort. Reverse the sort order by clicking on it twice. Mouseover column headers for descriptions.

Team 4IN5-B2B 3IN4-B2B B2B 3IN4 1 DAY 2 DAYS 3 DAYS+
Atl 2 0.500 1.0 11 0.727 4.2 6 0.500 0.8 14 0.714 3.8 35 0.514 -0.7 7 0.714 5.8 7 0.429 -5.4
Bos 1 1.000 -7.9 13 0.692 -4.5 5 0.400 -8.9 12 0.583 -5.6 34 0.588 -4.3 12 0.500 -10.6 5 0.600 -5.1
Bro 1 0.000 -9.8 10 0.100 -5.7 4 0.250 0.1 11 0.182 -3.6 41 0.293 1.5 12 0.250 0.5 3 0.667 10.1
Cha 0 0.000 0.0 12 0.750 1.6 4 0.750 4.5 12 0.583 0.7 38 0.500 -0.6 13 0.692 -0.6 3 0.333 -12.5
Chi 1 0.000 -11.7 10 0.500 -4.4 6 0.333 -6.9 13 0.538 -6.2 35 0.486 -3.4 12 0.583 -0.9 5 0.800 2.3
Cle 1 1.000 -0.1 12 0.667 -2.1 6 0.333 1.1 11 0.818 5.6 33 0.758 6.4 14 0.571 3.4 5 0.800 16.0
Dal 1 1.000 16.2 11 0.545 2.9 5 0.600 -0.3 11 0.545 2.7 38 0.526 3.3 13 0.385 0.8 3 0.333 2.1
Den 2 0.000 -7.0 9 0.444 0.9 5 0.200 3.4 10 0.300 -3.0 39 0.436 2.8 15 0.467 6.0 2 0.500 14.1
Det 0 0.000 0.0 11 0.545 0.2 9 0.667 4.5 14 0.500 -4.9 29 0.586 4.1 14 0.429 -1.1 5 0.400 -3.6
Gol 0 0.000 0.0 11 0.909 -3.6 9 0.889 -7.7 15 0.867 -4.6 28 0.893 -0.5 15 0.933 -2.4 4 0.750 -11.2
Hou 0 0.000 0.0 14 0.357 -5.6 6 0.500 -1.5 10 0.600 2.7 34 0.559 -1.4 13 0.538 3.2 5 0.200 -11.0
Ind 0 0.000 0.0 11 0.545 -1.6 6 0.167 -13.6 14 0.643 2.5 35 0.514 -0.9 13 0.692 10.5 3 0.667 4.4
Lac 1 0.000 2.1 11 0.545 -7.8 8 0.750 0.9 14 0.643 -1.1 30 0.733 0.7 13 0.462 -6.8 5 0.800 6.7
Lal 1 1.000 9.5 13 0.000 -8.2 4 0.000 -9.0 14 0.214 -2.9 36 0.222 -2.2 7 0.429 2.3 7 0.286 3.5
Mem 0 0.000 0.0 10 0.600 6.5 8 0.375 5.8 11 0.364 -5.2 37 0.541 1.4 11 0.545 2.8 5 0.600 0.7
Mia 1 0.000 -11.8 11 0.364 -3.4 5 0.800 6.2 13 0.692 4.9 37 0.568 3.2 12 0.667 6.3 3 0.667 2.3
Mil 1 1.000 20.1 12 0.417 3.1 7 0.286 -3.1 11 0.545 1.4 31 0.355 -2.7 16 0.375 -1.5 4 0.500 -0.5
Min 2 0.000 -4.1 10 0.200 0.4 2 0.000 -15.3 10 0.300 0.4 44 0.409 3.2 11 0.455 2.0 3 0.333 -2.2
Nor 1 0.000 -19.6 9 0.333 5.9 7 0.143 4.4 12 0.417 7.1 36 0.389 3.7 12 0.417 10.2 5 0.400 4.8
Nyk 0 0.000 0.0 9 0.333 0.3 8 0.625 7.2 13 0.231 -3.5 37 0.432 -0.4 12 0.250 -5.7 3 0.667 3.3
Okc 1 0.000 -16.1 13 0.462 -7.5 2 0.000 -20.9 11 0.818 -0.4 38 0.763 -3.6 15 0.667 -5.5 2 0.500 -2.9
Orl 1 1.000 -1.2 13 0.385 0.4 5 0.000 -14.5 13 0.308 -5.3 34 0.529 3.0 11 0.455 3.7 5 0.400 -1.0
Phi 2 0.000 -4.9 14 0.071 0.8 3 0.000 3.4 12 0.083 1.7 34 0.176 2.2 12 0.167 4.1 5 0.000 -1.9
Pho 1 0.000 -19.5 10 0.300 4.9 3 0.333 -7.4 11 0.182 0.2 44 0.341 4.4 9 0.111 -9.7 4 0.250 0.0
Por 2 0.500 -0.8 9 0.222 -5.3 8 0.375 0.9 14 0.500 -2.9 31 0.548 2.7 14 0.714 8.0 4 1.000 17.0
Sac 1 0.000 5.8 12 0.167 -6.1 6 0.333 -5.4 17 0.529 -0.7 32 0.469 0.6 7 0.143 -4.5 7 0.571 -1.2
San 0 0.000 0.0 11 0.818 -3.6 6 1.000 -6.1 13 0.769 -4.8 35 0.829 -0.2 13 0.846 -1.1 4 0.500 -5.6
Tor 1 1.000 20.3 13 0.692 2.3 3 0.333 -5.2 12 0.667 0.2 40 0.675 1.5 7 0.714 1.9 6 0.833 3.5
Uta 1 1.000 3.0 10 0.600 -4.0 7 0.429 -2.1 11 0.636 -0.3 34 0.471 -1.3 16 0.438 -3.4 3 0.000 -17.2
Was 1 0.000 2.3 12 0.500 -0.4 6 0.167 -6.5 13 0.615 1.5 31 0.452 1.3 12 0.583 3.2 6 0.833 5.5