Win Score

Win Score is David Berriā€™s metric that indicates the relative value of a player’s points, rebounds, steals, turnovers, and field goal attempts. Win Score is sufficient to give you a quick snapshot of a player’s performance. And it is especially useful if you wish to know if a player is playing better or worse than he did before.

Win Share (WS/48)

Win Share is a measure that is assigned to players based on their offense, defense, and playing time. WS/48 is win shares per 48 minutes and invented by Justin Kubatko who explains: “A win share is worth one-third of a team win. If a team wins 60 games, there are 180 ‘Win Shares’ to distribute among the players.”

Wins Above Replacement Player (WARP)

Wins Above Replacement Player (WARP) evaluates a player who belongs to a team that is made up of him and 4 average players. This team is compared to another team made up of, 4 average players and a replacement-level player. Using replacement level shows the value of players who can play heavy minutes and avoid injury while continuing to perform …